Saturday, December 29, 2007


The First Day : 31st Jyaistha, B.S. 1321

  • I desire to have pure soul. (1).
  • Kirtan (loud chanting of divine hymns) has a distinct power of itsown. Perforce, it lifts the mind upward. So Mahaprabhu propagated Kirtan. (3)
  • Knowledge is essential. Insects are devoid of knowledge, so when theyare placed in a vessel of honey, they meet death by devouring itindiscreetly. (4)
  • Restless people cannot relish life. They are fickle; they continue to nibble at things haphazardly here and there. (5)
  • Look here ! Those who say that they cannot develop faith are foolish. (6)
  • How can we have faith without believing in anything ? (7)
  • A dead fly is restored to life if warm breath is applied to it. It canbe done by administering warm breath from mouth. Constant heat imparts vital force to it. (9)
  • Bear in mind! Your mother is verily the mother of the world. Your wife is the mother endowed with divine consciousness. All mothers are yours and mine. Eventually you reach the Supreme Mother. (11)
  • Many people forget mother and do not worship her (weeping). But the mother’s mercy is infinite. (12)
  • No one can bind mother. Oh foolish creature! How will you bind her?(13)
  • Mother is the mother of numerous Gurus. It is She, it is She.(14)
  • Mother wants pure souls. (16)
  • All feel blessed by taking the dust of their feet. (17)
  • Thy will is to get plunged in thee. But how many separate forms should I assume? (18)
  • Transcend the limits of circumscribed existence and accept mother. (19)
  • Mahaprabhu could accomplish nothing without the strength granted by mother. (20)
  • Should all your limitations persist? (21)
  • You have fortunately got into this fold. You have been able to discover yourself by coming here (22)
  • When the eternal is had, the evanescent drops off automatically. It has to. (23)
  • Allow not mother to know her true nature. As soon as she attains that awareness, she will shun her earthly abode. Mother is shrouded in darkness; no sooner does she recognize her pristine identity than she will disappear. (24)
  • You will be endowed with devotion. You are devotion incarnated. (25)
  • Perform Kirtan. Do propagate it. Kirtan is something superb. It is verily the musk. It may be likened to picric acid. It destroys ignorance and oblivion about supreme knowledge.(26)
  • Name, Name, Name (27)
    To have faith, we are to invoke our indwelling faith. He who proclaims non-belief dwells in the domain of darkness. (28)
  • Look here! I shall depart. Just pay heed to a secret. The Chaitanya and Nityananda you speak of, dispelled the darkness of eccentric people by huggling them in their breasts bubbling with love and by touching their feet and thus they redeemed legions of Jagai-Madhai. (29)
  • I shall leave this mortal coil but shall dwell in all. (30)
  • He is not only beyond the reach of speech and mind but verily is He the blue-bodied Vanamali, besmeared with sandal paste, dressed in golden-yellow fabric. (31)
  • He is seated in white throne, under the shade of an umbrella where the prime uncaused sound or logos vibrates in unutterable resonance. (32)
  • Jesus Christ, Jesus, Jesus ! (33)
  • I am the void that persists after the process of unceasing elimination. It gets intermixed in the unending void. (34)
  • Devotion should co-exist with knowledge. Just listen to me—a vast field of activity lies ahead. (35)
  • Ask your supreme self. He also will confirm that if knowledge tempered with devotion is inculcated among people, they will not court disaster. (36)
  • Continued pursuit in this direction will lead to supreme truth. (37)
  • Just see! Divine absorption is a set of chloroform. When the chloroform is applied, mind dwells in the vital plane, man loses physical consciousness. Such a phenomenon has to be created. (38)
  • I shall go. (39)
  • Ask people to remain intoxicated in Kirtan. Otherwise allailments will seize them and they will invite ruin. Forced repression does not deliver the desired goods. Kirtan constitutes the sole spiritual culture. No other form of spiritual exercise is needful. First reach the culminating point. Then move as it pleases you. (39)
  • You are attaining purity. Those who are pure are ever established in maturity. Man has to be put in the furnace of affliction to get rid of all dress and dirt. The fire of Kirtan consumes all filth residing in humans. (40)
  • Organize Kirtan on a gigantic scale. (41)
  • Have faith in what I do. (43)
  • Power flourishes where mental strength abounds. The prime asset is mind, conquest of mind leads to mastery over the vital apparatus and this eventually results in the realization of the universal `I'. The more you yield to procrastination, the more will veils cover you up. Just join the company of the divinely mad. Then you won't have to revert to the old passionate way of life. (44)
  • Krishna is endowed with infinite strength. Brother! Do not forget yourself. Ransack your heart to find your eternal self. Perform all that you have to do. This will reveal your true nature. Do not forget your real self. Just see! Tear yourself away from all that is inessential. Break into pieces all the fetters that enslave you and throw yourself with all you own, right into the vertex of the unending swelling sea of life. There is no happiness if evotion is confined to our own parents alone. What a tremendous delight we derive when our filial sentiments get sublimated! Again what an utter able bliss we experience when our filial devotion gets channelised towards the supreme `I'. Now our parents alone feel deeply concerned about whatever happens to us in the course of our life. But then all the parents of the world will start feeling for us exactly as our own parents do in relation to us. (46)
  • Mark it well! When children come across a cucurbitaceous fruit, they rush ahead to use it as a plaything. But when they break it open, they find a loathsome ugly kernel that may be likened to the faces of a crow. The act of getting oneself trapped and captivated by the deceptive glamour of the world is indeed the height of folly, as it is evident in the case of silly children mentioned above. (47).
  • Listen to me—When `I'-ness retains its distinct identity even after reaching the highest peak of super conscious realization; then it can express itself in an audible form just as an individual can do in a conscious normal state. (48)
  • Plunge yourself headlong in the task of fulfilling the mission. You are all in all. You will dispatch bagfuls of damned souls to the zone of deliverance. (49)
  • Just say the right thing to reaffirm faith. The ticket for the beyond is to be bought with the coin of faith. Let us all march onward and forward. Then I as well as others will be energized and vitalized. (50)
  • Spread Kirtan. Practice it intensively. I shall bestow everything. If you practice spiritual existence as instructed by the Guru only once or twice a day, that hardly yields a tangible result: you should maintain an unbroken meditative mind for all the time without any respite. But it is good to follow a regular routine. It builds the mind but Kirtan prepares the mind instantly and thoroughly. A man simply needs to participate in it with burning faith and zeal. (51)
  • Just think, understand and realize that money does not have any intrinsic value. (52)
  • See men as varied manifestations of your Ideal. (53)
  • Oh! What a terrific treachery it is to stab people on the pretext of quenching their thirst! It is horrible indeed! Oh! How wretched is the lot of guileful `Kula-gurus' given to deliberate deceitfulness! (54)
  • You have to renounce nothing in the world. Practice Name and all that is detrimental to divine life will quit you immediately finding no shelter in you. I dwell everywhere as the stay of all that exists in any form be that a discharge from the bowels, or a goat or a ram. (55)
  • Oh, strength does not belong to the physique. Its seat and source is verily the mind. He who starts cogitating himself as a cow imbibes the fallen fate of a cow. (56)
    Oh, eternal spirit! Who thou art! Anyway thou hast initiated an interesting game in the form of ever-continuing import and transport of individual souls. Propagate Kirtan; let it penetrate the heart of all. Love can grow only by having recourse to love. You have to cultivate it by your volitional endeavor. (57)
  • Those who indulge in vanity, have no way out. Their faith also is full of darkness. A parasite kind of creeper grows centering around the plum tree. It saps the life-giving juice of the tree, and thus destroys the tree, and itself thrives at the cost of its sustainer. (58)
    The indolent intention of developing maddening urge for the Ideal hardly succeeds in bringing the superb state. Better do become mad for him. This divine madness can be had only by being so in reality. Just jump! Why do you give shelter to fear before taking the leap? (59)
  • No one other than a person himself is the agent of his death. You are the builder of your own destiny. It is you who make or mar yourself. (60)
  • Where there is spirit, there is heaven. Without spirit matter is nothing, but matter is matter with spirit. Yes! (61) * [Spoken in English by Sri Sri Thakur Himself]
  • I=We. We=I. When the universe is equal to I, everything is equal to I. There is one I the Truth! (62) *[Spoken in English by Sri Sri Thakur Himself]
  • Sound is the expression of life, without sound everything is lifeless! (63) *[Spoken in English by Sri Sri Thakur Himself]
  • There is no truth, no lie. Everything may be true, everything may be a lie! (64) *[Spoken in English by Sri Sri Takur Himself]
  • Seek everything in Me. Me is I. What shall I do now? Medium may die. (65) *[Spoken in English by Sri Sri Thakur Himself]

    Compiled by Satsangees_eforum


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Unknown said...

Mere Thakur ..Jai Guru Vande Purushottam

Raja said...

Mohini mohini mohini