Saturday, February 9, 2008

Punya Punthi - The Holy Book

The Fourth Day. 5th Ashar, B.S. 1321
Revelation by Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra in a trans.

Nabin! You must keep yourself peaceful. Listen to me, if a dead body is buried under a heap of faeces, can it perceive the reality? (2)

Live in your house in an un entangled way. It can be done by mentally dwelling in the dome of Lord. (3)
Can you have a taste of peace if there is no contrasting background of disquiet?Both peace and restlessness have their origin in mind. If you have no perceptive mental faculty, both peace and unrest cease to exist for you. To start with you do not need to run after peace or unrest, you have to only pursue God and then peace will follow you spontaneously. (4)

Infinite forms of `I' (Ahamkar) dwell in infinite number of individual beings. The culmination of becoming lies in realizing the underlying unity behind diversity. (5)

Shaping the mind is the only thing that is difficult. Once it is done, everything is easy. It is Kirtan that shapes the mind aright. (6)

I was there in the past, I exist in the intermediate stage also and I shall continue to exist in the future. It is my mind alone that can understand me. (7)

We should offer all things to God one after another, He immediately restores whatever we gave Him, of course we should not make wrong use of what He gives us back. If we happen to offer Him any fruit, we are entitled to share it afterwards. But we are to make proper use of it. And that is proper abstention. (8)

Slow and steady wins the race, as we should hold on to the last. (9)
You have envenomed both your life here and hereafter by yielding to a bad satanic obsession. Come on; take a plunge to absorb divine life. The strength emerging from it is all-potent. When a man shares the amrita obtained by churning the ocean of life; the poisonous bite of the evil world can hardly prove disastrous. Have abiding faith in the limitless power of the Lord. (10)

Tell them that the momentum of my move is faster than the fall of a meteor. I can do anything I like. But I seek your active co-operation. Of course you should know that I alone can set ablaze the entire universe. (11)

Do not wear the iron chain around your neck anymore. That will hasten your death by strangulating you. It has been torn asunder with great difficulty. (12)

Run onward in a concentric way. All happiness will seize you. Repeat Holy Name alone. Holy Name transcends the region of `Om', Holy Name precedes and oversteps the plane of `Om'. Do not attach much importance to other Mantras that lead to the realization of audible sounds alone. Better practice this Holy Name, Holy Name leads you to Me the Supreme "I". I am the Supreme Self, the Absolute Brahma.
Rest assured, if you avail yourself of the upward current of Holy Name, you can reach your destination very quickly. One can reach the supreme Brahma after crossing the plane of `Om'. Holy Name is comparable to the Darjeeling Mail. As soon as you will go beyond the realm of `Om', you will readily attain the supreme Brahma. You need not give way to fear, the Padma bridge has been constructed, and now you can reach Siliguri straight way.

Try to feel that real enjoyment lies in renunciation (rejection of material world). The more you are ready to give up selfish enjoyment, the more will real enjoyment embrace you. The main thing is faith. Join Kirtan with just an iota of faith, it will work wonders. Even if your faith be not attended with proper vision, still it is welcome. Never allow yourself to be crushed under the pressure of blind desires. If you are on the right track, you will find all that exists in the universe in the frame of your Ideal. If you do not achieve this realization, your all other efforts comes to naught.
NAME ! NAME ! NAME ! It does not matter whether you possess devotion or not, just go on repeating the Name. Never allow anything in you which will disturb your repetition of Name. Know it, for certain that our world is a creation of our mind. The mind can visualize spheres lying far away beyond the gross world; even some elements of that fine world are nothing but a projection of our mind. Then, is this world is fictitious? No, the gross manifestation owes its origin to the finer layer of existence. Just think when the masur variety of pulse is unhusked or rather its outer coating is removed it looks red, but why does it become white, when it is boiled. (13)

You can achieve the goal by removing the masks as far as required. But dnot remove all the masks all of a sudden, then you will not be in a position to behave normally in the world.

Alas! Nobody seeks me, the supreme`I'. (14)

Kishori! The sun and moon cease to exist; even all the stars are destroyed. But why do you weep? All that exists is yours. Kishori! my darling! Make sure that your inferior ego is wiped away as far as practicable. This is exactly what is required. Catch hold of groups of people and throw them outright in the bosom of the ocean of Brahma. Thereafter you will reach me. Every one of you is nothing but a wave of that ocean (Brahma). In fact, you symbolize the entire world. Every individual of the world is a manifestation of me alone. Just see nobody is your friend or foe. Everyone is a different form of me or you. (15)

Give a glassful of water to the thirsty. You will get water when you become thirsty.(16)

Charm yourself if you wish to charm everyone. (17)

At first I was charmed by my will, therefore the universe was charmed. (18)
If you get sound everywhere . . . . . (19)

If you wish to be great then be humble and low! (20)

Knowledge is the crown of God. Oh! Yes, at first know what you are. (21)

Your heart is the store of uncommon power, because you are God, because I am God. (22)

There is a great similarity in God of every religion. (23)

Without low tongue you cannot expect low tongue. (24)

If you mean to capture people's heart then you will have to give your own heart. First consciously allow your own commodities to be stolen by others and in this process learn the art of stealing. (25)

The more you will ascend higher and higher the more will you perceive everything on earth to be on the same level. Canals, stretches of marshy land and small ponds will appear to be almost the same. If you want to rise to a great height, you can do it by using the balloon of Name. (26)

Arise and awaken others! Rise up, rise up, right now. Just feel that all individuals represent the same identity. You have all been begotten, but I am ever existent. If I am destroyed and somehow you happen to exist, I shall continue to exist in you. The beginning and the end are the same. Everything is... nothing to fear, just rouse up one and all! (27)

Well, there has been a crash of tremendous power whoever will be seized by you will be energized to the highest degree. Gird up your loins and start your campaign with dogged determination. I am always existent and I shall never cease to exist. (28)

At the stage of deepest degradation, I have appeared in the form of Kalki as the most consummate manifestation of the Divine. (29)
----end of The Fourth Day--------- -

Compiled by Satsangees_eforum

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